Salt Edge Endpoints
These endpoints are responsible for fetching the API Availability and Performance statistics of the Production environment of an ASPSP.
It is recommended to be used in the case that the ASPSP runs a job on their side to automatically fetch statistics and complete the Quarterly Report required by the National Regulator.
Available only for live connectors.
The same statistics can be downloaded manually from the ASPSP Dashboard.
Availability New
Returns the list of Availability reports per each day.
Default period: last 30 days. Has limit: one request per hour.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7Imxhc3RfcXVhcnRlciI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXJ0X2RhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTA1LTAxIiwiZW5kX2RhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTA1LTMwIn0sImV4cCI6MTc0MDI1OTg4MiwiaXNzIjoicHJpb3JhLnNhbHRlZGdlLmNvbSJ9.j7Nd9z4T8EcIAKvvT5FEVJg5-ZgSTcMFZx9n3HzGtFuCBEKV1pZDIMYmvE9FEah_1Do8LPkctEVq0Av0yDDM_KfGbOiUxR8MyVCyUv8m21j4uNYSqmjN9N2vFRy5gElc25Fk2ErHxfE7XckidQ0oXLCQG9P55BORmJAqWQV06R3FFaUmPHa9o36l12FEB2qtlRn650DNxgMfx4myJPG4sMBtRkJiaHrjzF32CMlWJzKadn2-4trolH3D1Zzstmd3e4ijrYcZnIewE751T1IdTG_IH5xC4jbT14CjwWRvTjmNDHm9gqQ4RVxjaAQgbrgLsl_h35b7qWBoUTLJjBDriA" \
-H "App-Id: G9SgwyF-RdxsjCu3f3mLnw" \
-H "App-Secret: Az6qAhT6pdezVjAex58qqQ" \
-X GET "/api/connectors/ob/v1/statistics/availability"
Example of request parameters
Example of response
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/jwt, text/plain |
string, required |
Provider's app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
ProviderNotFound, ProviderDisabled, ConfigurationError
string, required |
Provider's app_secret from connection details tab.
Unpacked Request Body (JWT)
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ConfigurationError | 400 | Missing configurations in dashboard. |
ProviderNotFound | 404 | Provider specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
ProviderDisabled | 406 | Cooperation with specified Provider is impossible. |
API Performance New
Returns the list of Performance statistics reports per each day.
If kind
is not specified, a summary report will be returned. Otherwise, a detailed report will be returned.
Default period: last 30 days. Has limit: one request per hour.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImtpbmQiOlsiYWlzcCIsInBpc3AiLCJwaWlzcCIsIm90aGVyIl0sImxhc3RfcXVhcnRlciI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXJ0X2RhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTA2LTAxIiwiZW5kX2RhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTA2LTMwIn0sImV4cCI6MTc0MDI1OTg4MiwiaXNzIjoicHJpb3JhLnNhbHRlZGdlLmNvbSJ9.CJIxwE9vRDBojo3U6MecoreyIjsXLDXEzLjtWJzhBX2dkMC1q8hEIuDNrsiUKy5PIkYB52UcB4Vt4iwkkE0dO9XI2ELXQThZolMlayNHNyF0Ey6Qravve73ioatVaC_KwWSBsIWO9kXWO5JHt0k7ltwAYb-zNkPsHKgUfMqw3V-hyLTMZ4g1X-AyKkHIJ4FsVM1INhK_B1UwLlXjhK-R0quvNkP2rschxKNid0qZsMKsHWyvE42X9a2ycbceR013UG_Z5W009wT2xlz22lehik-RIpVIidN54KsatAgXfC6RXZJT4_rCy-jpsaYaf6cZHbmOcXBxnkVuH15sEzixCQ" \
-H "App-Id: G9SgwyF-RdxsjCu3f3mLnw" \
-H "App-Secret: Az6qAhT6pdezVjAex58qqQ" \
-X GET "/api/connectors/ob/v1/statistics/api_performance"
Example of request parameters
Example of response
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/jwt, text/plain |
string, required |
Provider's app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
ProviderNotFound, ProviderDisabled, ConfigurationError
string, required |
Provider's app_secret from connection details tab.
Unpacked Request Body (JWT)
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ConfigurationError | 400 | Missing configurations in dashboard. |
ProviderNotFound | 404 | Provider specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
ProviderDisabled | 406 | Cooperation with specified Provider is impossible. |