Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Logo


Service API

Additional endpoints to be implemented on connector side to improve communication between Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution and Connector.

Errors Notify

This endpoint is responsible for receiving validation errors of responses which Connector sends to Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution


curl -i  \ 
 -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InJlcXVlc3QiOnsibWV0aG9kIjoiZGVsZXRlIiwidXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly91c2VyLndpbGwuYmUvcmVkaXJlY3RlZC9oZXJlIiwiaGVhZGVycyI6e319LCJlcnJvciI6eyJlcnJvcl9tZXNzYWdlIjoic29tZXRoaW5nIHdlbnQgd3JvbmciLCJlcnJvcl9jbGFzcyI6IkludGVybmFsUHJvdmlkZXJFcnJvciJ9fSwiZXhwIjoxNzQwMzAzODExLCJpc3MiOiJwcmlvcmEuc2FsdGVkZ2UuY29tIn0.D4xVVk671jBWXAd4NxfxaJb_W00ZFv4rsDRFUtadB7XjZyMjO67qCWR8lZK4jE4via0v-h6LRrOp3oioodURrX3KWFoi5MvsYi3kafxnbr8YpzMaTPz5P9lxhi4-vIjitSObMpixdeiF6abOJ2dYvaIFbpqXmkQL9lBXI4gayzfiGf-pPJM0mhkViBmbI2HCHtUk35Vlfi757LOtQNtsolV3aysA2dvmSNKlHCrNYi_uaxo8abYMNHxWX1MZOSeaFe_9TyOJh3SebSPMo1V-c2JH52v1j_HoSsl20GhU9bLxA7aq8tsIb20LfE6Mex40jZ6v1ncVc0g1kpIK1yxm-Q" \ 
 -H "Access-Token: b2077c5c020a5e262767aac63fdbc75fd64461afc660784fbc3451766f586bb4836e3405007c2caf497a1125ba58fb49be65b3c352285dea68328aded84e2f91" \ 
 -H "Accept: application/json" \ 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
 -H "Client-Id: 685" \ 
 -X POST "https://your.connector.url/api/priora/v2/errors"

Example of request parameters

{"data":{"request":{"method":"delete","url":"","headers":{}},"error":{"error_message":"something went wrong","error_class":"InternalProviderError"}},"exp":1574093209}

POST https://your.connector.url/api/priora/v2/errors

Header Type Description
Authorization string, required JSON Web Token containing payload, signed using RSA256 and application.private_key.
Access-Token string, optional The token which is created by a connector as a result of successful authentication.
Accept string, required Media type that is acceptable for the response. Allowed values: application/json
Content-Type string, required The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/json
Client-Id integer, required TPP application identifier in Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance.
Consent-Id integer, optional ID of the corresponding consent object.
Psu-IP-Address string, optional IP address of PSU. If not available, the TPP shall use the own address.
Unpacked Request Authorization
integer, required
The lifetime of the request in timestamp UTC format. Values greater than: Current time.
Response headers
Header Type Description
Retry-After integer, optional Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request.

Upon successful request, 200 status code with an empty JSON "{}" should be returned.

Health Check Monitoring New

This endpoint is responsible for receiving regularly health check requests and quickly return the operational status of the Connector service.


curl -i  \ 
 -H "Accept: application/json" \ 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
 -H "Client-Id: Saltedge" \ 
 -X GET "https://your.connector.url/api/priora/v2/health"

Example of request parameters


Example of response


GET https://your.connector.url/api/priora/v2/health

Header Type Description
Accept string, required Media type that is acceptable for the response. Allowed values: application/json
Content-Type string, required The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/json
Client-Id string, required Salt Edge identifier of application. Allowed values: Saltedge
Consent-Id integer, optional ID of the corresponding consent object.
Psu-IP-Address string, optional IP address of PSU. If not available, the TPP shall use the own address.
Unpacked Request Authorization
Response headers
Header Type Description
Retry-After integer, optional Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request.

Upon successful request, 200 status code should be returned.

string, required
Conveys current status of the operation.