
Used for registration in Dedicated Interface Dashboard. After registration, you will receive a letter of confirmation on your representative email.


curl -i  \ 
 -H "X-Request-ID: 9b45fa6c-ff61-4e73-aec8-5e805388ce7f" \ 
 -H "Digest: SHA-256=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=" \ 
 -H "Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 11:25:59 GMT" \ 
 -H "Signature: Signature keyId="SN=0,DN=/organizationIdentifier=TppSaltTest000/CN=certSIGNSALTTEST Web CA/O=SaltTest/C=RO",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="digest date x-request-id",signature="Fys106OY/uMk1Tnh4MEvHsUKdJIOX9fw+am3NrqrxFOLIl1BGlcu1+UJhDBHlc3/rkRn0++5AAbkXzqUL8kqm1RVILoRzSg+tr75PUTM5RlIgCli8QtHZrpZtfzb7tEoHqa8zo1SmiopI/bQchQrjdhWu9xIC0TUuMfiD8f6TdH2QpbkXi25uXTQl8wB4qt2dAb4k76lkDM4x29JVmoZkWq28R/kVkPWGJrU7mS2viUUhgofdNzL2vaSd2g7FPrr/E03U/KYU0k047ucCbv1Z4ozdaSJljuyzj0Iq4O04Ztj6oaV8yhnr3LY8aKj1JO9tRy1gpSidxCAqDz90iE9LQ=="" \ 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
 -d '{
  "company": {
    "address": "Example address",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Company name",
    "phone_number": "0123456789",
    "zip_code": "GB",
    "city": "Example city"
  "representative": {
    "email": "",
    "name": "Example Name"
  "certificate": {
    "name": "Example name",
    "type": "qseal"
}' \ 
-X POST "/api/berlingroup/v1/tpp/register"

Example of parameters

{"company":{"address":"Example address","email":"","name":"Company name","phone_number":"0123456789","zip_code":"GB","city":"Example city"},"representative":{"email":"","name":"Example Name"},"certificate":{"name":"Example name","type":"qseal"}}

Example of response


POST /api/berlingroup/v1/tpp/register

Header Type Description
X-Request-ID string, required ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party.
Digest string, required Contains a Hash of the message body, if the message does not contain a body, the "Digest" header must contain the hash of an empty string - "". Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid, SignatureInvalid, SignatureMissing
Date datetime, required Endpoint request execution date.
PSU-Device-ID string, optional UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device, which is used by the PSU, if available. UUID identifies either a device or a device dependant application installation. In case of an installation identification this ID need to be unaltered until removal from device.
PSU-User-Agent string, optional The forwarded Agent header field of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP, if available.
PSU-Geo-Location string, optional The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding HTTP request between PSU and TPP if available.
Psu-IP-Address string, optional The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. If not available, the TPP shall use the IP Address used by the TPP when submitting this request.
TPP-Signature-Certificate string, required The certificate used for signing the request, in base64 encoding that should comply with RFC 4648 (No line feeds). Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid
Signature string, required A signature of the request by the TPP on application level. This might be mandated by ASPSP. Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid, SignatureMissing, SignatureInvalid
Content-Type string, required The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/json
Request parameters

Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.

Related Errors
Class Code Description
WrongRequiredFields 401 Specified required fields were not provided. More info in error_message
AccessDenied 401 Action you want to perform is not allowed. More in error_message
CertificateMissing 401 This request cannot be performed without Certificate header.
CertificateInvalid 401 Given certificate is invalid.
SignatureInvalid 401 Given signature is invalid.
SignatureMissing 401 This request cannot be performed without Signature header.


Used for adding certificate. After action, you will receive a letter of confirmation on your representative email.


curl -i  \ 
 -H "X-Request-ID: 9b45fa6c-ff61-4e73-aec8-5e805388ce7f" \ 
 -H "Digest: SHA-256=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=" \ 
 -H "Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 11:25:59 GMT" \ 
 -H "Signature: Signature keyId="SN=0,DN=/organizationIdentifier=TppSaltTest000/CN=certSIGNSALTTEST Web CA/O=SaltTest/C=RO",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="digest date x-request-id",signature="Fys106OY/uMk1Tnh4MEvHsUKdJIOX9fw+am3NrqrxFOLIl1BGlcu1+UJhDBHlc3/rkRn0++5AAbkXzqUL8kqm1RVILoRzSg+tr75PUTM5RlIgCli8QtHZrpZtfzb7tEoHqa8zo1SmiopI/bQchQrjdhWu9xIC0TUuMfiD8f6TdH2QpbkXi25uXTQl8wB4qt2dAb4k76lkDM4x29JVmoZkWq28R/kVkPWGJrU7mS2viUUhgofdNzL2vaSd2g7FPrr/E03U/KYU0k047ucCbv1Z4ozdaSJljuyzj0Iq4O04Ztj6oaV8yhnr3LY8aKj1JO9tRy1gpSidxCAqDz90iE9LQ=="" \ 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
 -d '{
  "certificate": {
    "name": "Example name",
    "type": "qseal"
}' \ 
-X POST "/api/berlingroup/v1/tpp/certificates"

Example of parameters

{"certificate":{"name":"Example name","type":"qseal"}}

Example of response


POST /api/berlingroup/v1/tpp/certificates

Header Type Description
X-Request-ID string, required ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party.
Digest string, required Contains a Hash of the message body, if the message does not contain a body, the "Digest" header must contain the hash of an empty string - "". Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid, SignatureInvalid, SignatureMissing
Date datetime, required Endpoint request execution date.
PSU-Device-ID string, optional UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for a device, which is used by the PSU, if available. UUID identifies either a device or a device dependant application installation. In case of an installation identification this ID need to be unaltered until removal from device.
PSU-User-Agent string, optional The forwarded Agent header field of the HTTP request between PSU and TPP, if available.
PSU-Geo-Location string, optional The forwarded Geo Location of the corresponding HTTP request between PSU and TPP if available.
Psu-IP-Address string, optional The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding http request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. If not available, the TPP shall use the IP Address used by the TPP when submitting this request.
TPP-Signature-Certificate string, required The certificate used for signing the request, in base64 encoding that should comply with RFC 4648 (No line feeds). Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid
Signature string, required A signature of the request by the TPP on application level. This might be mandated by ASPSP. Can raise: CertificateMissing, CertificateInvalid, SignatureMissing, SignatureInvalid
Content-Type string, required The media type of the body of the request. Allowed values: application/json
Request parameters

Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.

Related Errors
Class Code Description
CertificateMissing 401 This request cannot be performed without Certificate header.
CertificateInvalid 401 Given certificate is invalid.
SignatureInvalid 401 Given signature is invalid.
SignatureMissing 401 This request cannot be performed without Signature header.