The API allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to create a new funds-confirmation-consent resource.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer authorization" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d" \
-d 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRlc3QifQ.eyJEYXRhIjp7IkV4cGlyYXRpb25EYXRlVGltZSI6IjIwMTctMDYtMDVUMTU6MTU6MTMrMDA6MDAiLCJEZWJ0b3JBY2NvdW50Ijp7IlNjaGVtZU5hbWUiOiJVSy5PQklFLlNvcnRDb2RlQWNjb3VudE51bWJlciIsIklkZW50aWZpY2F0aW9uIjoiMTEyODAwMDEyMzQ1NjciLCJOYW1lIjoiQW5kcmVhIFNtaXRoIiwiU2Vjb25kYXJ5SWRlbnRpZmljYXRpb24iOiIwMDAyIn19fQ.EuBwzYhMkoj_HBQWClvHBg1LrZV9y6kVExRcxSncXGtwgULBZvkeiHGqBnfS4wN-Kwhe2Pz0jsbYvDHuTmWbFOtBEaCwvDk_xRcsqgLh6mZsRJcFfSzssxN4q-4cx8WZgC2w83ZMTSiMFbwpkWIz4xc1lgD_W9cfCq80THQrwjm3V1iqy-tl1bTnFWHmdafSiYneRhDLp1uyaZg4g24t8HfKh9wafqpScMYvp5f4h77jIU8bnE7K9Y4x_ntv6CRFIc7M6l1GVphkKyOw16k09-f9lqJA5vvRmaM_9TkDIjbX2gF6eE1nywn3ugbOToFz4RPaz_ijGHDnogkx9TXxWw' \
-X POST "/api/:provider_code/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents"
Example of request
{"Data":{"ExpirationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","DebtorAccount":{"SchemeName":"UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber","Identification":"11280001234567","Name":"Andrea Smith","SecondaryIdentification":"0002"}}}
Example of response
{"Data":{"ConsentId":"18463","CreationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","Status":"AwaitingAuthorisation","StatusUpdateDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","ExpirationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","DebtorAccount":{"SchemeName":"UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber","Identification":"11280001234567","Name":"Andrea Smith","SecondaryIdentification":"0002"}},"Links":{"Self":"/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/18463"},"Meta":{}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, optional | The media type of the body of the request. Default value: application/json |
string, optional | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. |
string, required | Standard HTTP Header; Allows Credentials to be provided to the Authorisation / Resource Server depending on the type of resource being requested. For OAuth 2.0 / OIDC, this comprises of either the Basic / Bearer Authentication Schemes. Can raise: HeaderMissing, HeaderInvalid, ResourceNotFound, Forbidden |
string, optional | Unique uuid used to recognize subsequent retries of the same request valid for 24 hours. Allowed length: max: 40 characters |
Request parameters
Response headers
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. |
string, required | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. If provided, the ASPSP must "play back" this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. |
integer, optional | Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request. |
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ResourceNotFound | 400 | Specified resource doesn't exist. |
FieldInvalidDate | 400 | An invalid date is supplied. |
FieldInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the field. More details in error_message . |
HeaderMissing | 400 | A required HTTP header has not been provided. |
HeaderInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. |
Forbidden | 403 | Action is forbidden. More details in error_message . |
The API allows the TPP to ask an ASPSP to show a funds-confirmation-consent resource.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer authorization" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d" \
-d 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRlc3QifQ.e30.JUi_AjCO66R8x0OwQcSHsbsQW3xAsBuE9tHUmwCnf_iaIA7aE_3bGOmOKV1m8ieDyR_nrG81HDzmuEIH-Zqp_G-5UwHhwoA_I2wo8WCztrF5DtHg7K-KRdnk2WqinYyC858u6zRvdE97P3xpzL6L6P1UTvJsIxfQeFe4Rt_cMMDaloqeYer1xD3AGKjYJy2YQnUxOqB3zbvcmUsVIrhLBkNW25mU_jP3Lmjwru8Q6p1OIt-xh8OBpbV0o7R_v05a5vSpv0hr3DJ5cvXKVpmVLFeOpF1yNDYX5ihqD6ksbZqxv5hzcITMYq7mzaCHGTIey3FR7WqGafPmA-nZxD0VIw' \
-X GET "/api/:provider_code/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/:consent_id"
Example of response
{"Data":{"ConsentId":"18463","CreationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","Status":"AwaitingAuthorisation","StatusUpdateDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","ExpirationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","DebtorAccount":{"SchemeName":"UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber","Identification":"11280001234567","Name":"Andrea Smith","SecondaryIdentification":"0002"}},"Links":{"Self":"/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/18463"},"Meta":{}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, optional | The media type of the body of the request. Default value: application/json |
string, optional | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. |
string, required | Standard HTTP Header; Allows Credentials to be provided to the Authorisation / Resource Server depending on the type of resource being requested. For OAuth 2.0 / OIDC, this comprises of either the Basic / Bearer Authentication Schemes. Can raise: HeaderMissing, HeaderInvalid, ResourceNotFound, Forbidden |
Request parameters
Response headers
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. |
string, required | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. If provided, the ASPSP must "play back" this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. |
integer, optional | Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request. |
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ResourceNotFound | 400 | Specified resource doesn't exist. |
FieldInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the field. More details in error_message . |
HeaderMissing | 400 | A required HTTP header has not been provided. |
HeaderInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. |
Forbidden | 403 | Action is forbidden. More details in error_message . |
If the PSU revokes consent to confirm funds with the TPP, the TPP must delete the funds-confirmation-consent resource.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer authorization" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d" \
-d 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRlc3QifQ.e30.FyRdmO6x2rrFUAIcUPuuZkpdhauUpQyu2ne8N28wmWt1eXB9rI1PaMnggLfpnnKV3yb-Qa9ABUH22d0eBZ1V7hvmxdCD5LDSYg88vbZRqDMGmxPXJG5uJs2pkzQBpqvoxxBc4vTG9u7JMAzjaFpe9k9YdCnEeEnP9gBey53dJlJiMbdfB66MeuoaEGRB1gY3e-46IK5oUQ7HpkbnJcCMM6F5zQY8ZxRrIIpTTL7Zy3rAbP6LDZVLtuXv50o3GIF2tfdqbqyrtsolc4JFMFn55XUFI_2xBRWI1NVZhCpEH6c6KGzo76D34kV_kJaYumc8EAA067kIIggApvq2I9uf-A' \
-X DELETE "/api/:provider_code/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/:consent_id"
Header | Type | Description |
string, optional | The media type of the body of the request. Default value: application/json |
string, optional | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. |
string, required | Standard HTTP Header; Allows Credentials to be provided to the Authorisation / Resource Server depending on the type of resource being requested. For OAuth 2.0 / OIDC, this comprises of either the Basic / Bearer Authentication Schemes. Can raise: HeaderMissing, HeaderInvalid, ResourceNotFound, Forbidden |
Request parameters
Response headers
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. |
string, required | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. If provided, the ASPSP must "play back" this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. |
integer, optional | Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request. |
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ResourceNotFound | 400 | Specified resource doesn't exist. |
FieldInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the field. More details in error_message . |
ResourceInvalidConsentStatus | 400 | The action can't be performed with current status of consent. |
HeaderMissing | 400 | A required HTTP header has not been provided. |
HeaderInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. |
Unauthorized | 401 | Unauthorized access. |
Forbidden | 403 | Action is forbidden. More details in error_message . |
Funds Confirmation
If the TPP would like to confirm funds with the ASPSP, it should create a new funds-confirmation resource, and check the funds available flag in the response.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer authorization" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-fapi-interaction-id: 93bac548-d2de-4546-b106-880a5018460d" \
-d 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRlc3QifQ.eyJEYXRhIjp7IkNvbnNlbnRJZCI6IjEyMyIsIlJlZmVyZW5jZSI6IlNvbWUgcmVmIiwiSW5zdHJ1Y3RlZEFtb3VudCI6eyJBbW91bnQiOiIxMTUuMyIsIkN1cnJlbmN5IjoiR0JQIn19fQ.aSEiLUm3o-4Ib2eK8jevizqgJ-NI1OyAA9t_Rg0ndUVCJJ9AYNLtGwwB4fPFrC9gkF9OT07RPGxr_318A3ucXpitWpgB4E3SYJxIdQTYHJOa0zPiSshO8pzEVGlpT7n09mkNbMza4Ju06TvRqaH_aSY-S9cM6hkquRhAitXYkxJDxtwLOy_3S9G5SyPOmAtxTIODs20_YmBELvQugpfFrEuscUzNtazqF1CD-_Qlwq9M8SymI2YqdsaGwV8Lo1yKUDc_UJygyg9lsYhWY0VCgg0PXvBB0tvUHGPNKMxEZD3hvyv5xXVNHPeVaQiXDdPU97o9yKEWyRbaoBG7VDVBZQ' \
-X POST "/api/:provider_code/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmations"
Example of request
{"Data":{"ConsentId":"123","Reference":"Some ref","InstructedAmount":{"Amount":"115.3","Currency":"GBP"}}}
Example of response
{"Data":{"FundsConfirmationId":"1321","ConsentId":"22123","CreationDateTime":"2017-06-05T15:15:13+00:00","FundsAvailable":true,"Reference":"Some ref","InstructedAmount":{"Amount":"115.3","Currency":"GBP"}},"Links":{"Self":"/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmations/1321"},"Meta":{}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, optional | The media type of the body of the request. Default value: application/json |
string, optional | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. |
string, required | Standard HTTP Header; Allows Credentials to be provided to the Authorisation / Resource Server depending on the type of resource being requested. For OAuth 2.0 / OIDC, this comprises of either the Basic / Bearer Authentication Schemes. Can raise: HeaderMissing, HeaderInvalid, ResourceNotFound, Forbidden |
string, optional | Unique uuid used to recognize subsequent retries of the same request valid for 24 hours. Allowed length: max: 40 characters |
Request parameters
Response headers
Header | Type | Description |
string, required | The media type of the body of the request. |
string, required | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation Id. If provided, the ASPSP must "play back" this value in the x-fapi-interaction-id response header. |
integer, optional | Amount of time in seconds after which Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance Solution resends the previously failed request. |
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
ResourceNotFound | 400 | Specified resource doesn't exist. |
FieldInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the field. More details in error_message . |
UnsupportedCurrency | 400 | The currency is not supported. |
HeaderMissing | 400 | A required HTTP header has not been provided. |
HeaderInvalid | 400 | An invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. |
Forbidden | 403 | Action is forbidden. More details in error_message . |