Payment Statuses
The current stage of a payment lifecycle is represented in
field. The status of a payment can be one of the following:
Name | Description |
processing | Salt Edge PSD2 Compliance is processing the request or response. |
redirect | Provider requires a redirect for authentication. |
waiting_confirmation | Provider is waiting for the consent of Customer. |
waiting_confirmation_code | Provider is waiting for a confirmation code, be it OTP for authentication or Dynamic linking for performing a payment. |
closed | Session is closed. |
Create a payment order on behalf of PSU
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InJlZGlyZWN0X3VybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdXNlci53aWxsLmJlL3JlZGlyZWN0ZWQvaGVyZSIsImJlbmVmaWNpYXJ5X2lkIjozODMsImZvcmNlX3NjYSI6dHJ1ZSwiZXh0cmEiOnt9LCJ0ZW1wbGF0ZV9pZCI6ODI0LCJwYXltZW50X2F0dHJpYnV0ZXMiOnsiZnJvbV9hY2NvdW50IjoiOTU0MjM0MjMxMiIsInRvX2FjY291bnQiOiIzNDU4OTc5NTcwIiwiYW1vdW50IjoiMTUwLjAwIiwiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJUZXN0IHBheW1lbnQuIn0sInByb3ZpZGVyX2NvZGUiOiJkZW1vYmFuayJ9LCJleHAiOjE3NDAyODg3MzEsImlzcyI6InByaW9yYS5zYWx0ZWRnZS5jb20ifQ.ASLKoApm-zdLwxi1QWDholQ57Qea9Utm4pr-34kCG-ne3YVGDc1VV0Q2tgc-OKKTLPmMFZ9pc0B7RGnSi3E9t54_q0WD1BELWd7w8cdIhKw0Hc1_K6oOJWY0j4_DSNYc814MUUN7VwlCHbhiOQKOSc8b1HajDxUKgiCW1WYwF6_LGUpA0qoEHEP9JIhEhHBN4M8QDL9FJrb1UoYP_CoYxnqb2bgwviHa4RhOxcNeEjByPgfkOOPaI8tWWCFPz9lW-yjm7p6EqG3Ti0ghaKgf3WLHNXiaWSjdoQO_U548BfskWK3_5bCk3arjqBuT8MyQJ_AsGzdbk2U_TqHIGOEL6Q" \
-H "App-Id: pRhi4X5YXwmccpgmDsLb1w" \
-H "App-Secret: dszz3LNHbWnqz9HnnH8DhA" \
-H "Access-Token: aacd4e18fab5b180b5e3cc4d35f8600ec08e1be219e5ec9400bc819357928a9283e8d6941215742aaa127d9076496bf210044545cbc1dc00489f295024c926c8" \
-H "Client-Request-Id: 17" \
-X POST "/api/v2/payments"
Example of request parameters
{"data":{"redirect_url":"","beneficiary_id":383,"force_sca":true,"extra":{},"template_id":824,"payment_attributes":{"from_account":"9542342312","to_account":"3458979570","amount":"150.00","description":"Test payment."},"provider_code":"demobank"},"exp":1574093209}
Example of response
{"data":{"status":"pending","description":"Internal payment.","fees":[{"amount":0.25,"description":"Bank fee.","currency_code":"EUR"},{"amount":0.1,"description":"Payment fee.","currency_code":"EUR"}],"updated_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.320Z","id":997,"payment_attributes":{"from_account":"9542342312","to_account":"3458979570","amount":"150.00","description":"Test payment."},"session":{"fail_message":"","id":611,"secret":"x2xxJojJkQ9u56EyU_NS","status":"processing","events":[{}],"success_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.320Z","expires_at":"2019-11-18T17:04:50.320Z","fail_at":""},"created_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.320Z"}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, required |
JSON Web Token containing payload, signed using RSA256 and application.private_key .
Can raise:
string, required |
Application’s app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
OauthAppNotFound, CertificateNotFound
string, required |
Application’s app_secret from connection details tab.
string, required | Token for which we are requesting info. Can raise: TokenMissing, TokenNotFound, TokenRevoked, TokenExpired |
string, optional |
Request identifier. If present, it will be returned within meta field in response.
Unpacked Request Authorization
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
TokenMissing | 400 | This request cannot be performed without Access_Token header. |
AccessDenied | 401 | Action you want to perform is not allowed. More in error_message |
AuthorizationMissing | 401 | Authorization header is missing. |
TokenNotFound | 401 | Token specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TokenRevoked | 401 | Token specified in request is revoked and cannot be used anymore. |
TokenExpired | 401 | Token specified in request is expired and cannot be used. |
ProviderNotFound | 404 | Provider specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TrustedBeneficiaryNotFound | 404 | Trusted Beneficiary specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TemplateNotFound | 404 | Template specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
OauthAppNotFound | 404 | OAuth Application specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
CertificateNotFound | 404 | Certificate has no permissions. |
Endpoint used to fetch all data relevant to a payment including fees, status and other.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImlkIjo5NjF9LCJleHAiOjE3NDAyODg3MzEsImlzcyI6InByaW9yYS5zYWx0ZWRnZS5jb20ifQ.EsWZQZ2a-Uio-tmFlcsRAyiZMhWxsNfRW-pxBxqHpim_B_lqmox3v451neyI512aR3W_wEJUXXQQq3qFQRD-CWhRnpTkk4xeGqnDD31BjnGvPc8vu7Kk0i_vLSnXsq2SyhgXePBufxIOpd7kRr6Blpbyb2eT_MajMYOIeZ2OFj3eJotW0PkfoWIE7Y_ou8OEjnqcZUQ-UnwooyfpfOPYpW8OsFy5Gjy4pDrJt6UeQIKEctyt_LvDkJiehJIU7hzPeuHpqrkxFhOqk_iSRK_hJGJ2hiNAoQLOja3Zev5PgG5zKhT3Bq5xRXo_lvSUBHgL2Ora0OJrmwR4po92DjIANg" \
-H "App-Id: xiPaOjVpBugwMgcYacdZtA" \
-H "App-Secret: -vhQNUkweQ8udbSof_w-Fg" \
-H "Access-Token: 057b31e63213d7c1f825398fb26de481c5d97ff2d89caad409c2b765418f84ca398f9338df21012f3e004d4c73fef623ce8464e829ce9e58ffc52fdbc48da467" \
-H "Client-Request-Id: 17" \
-X GET "/api/v2/payments/:id"
Example of request parameters
Example of response
{"data":{"status":"closed","description":"Test payment","fees":[{"amount":0.25,"description":"Bank fee.","currency_code":"EUR"},{"amount":0.1,"description":"Payment fee.","currency_code":"EUR"}],"updated_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.451Z","id":305,"payment_attributes":{"from_account":"9542342312","to_account":"3458979570","amount":"150.00","description":"Test payment."},"interactive_step_instruction":{"interactive_field":"sms_pincode","instruction":{}},"session":{"fail_message":"","id":501,"secret":"oxL4oeiCApNvSKQYKGoi","status":"processing","events":[{}],"success_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:51.450Z","expires_at":"2019-11-18T17:04:50.450Z","fail_at":""},"created_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.451Z"}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, required |
JSON Web Token containing payload, signed using RSA256 and application.private_key .
Can raise:
string, required |
Application’s app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
OauthAppNotFound, CertificateNotFound
string, required |
Application’s app_secret from connection details tab.
string, required | Token for which we are requesting info. Can raise: TokenMissing, TokenNotFound, TokenRevoked, TokenExpired |
string, optional |
Request identifier. If present, it will be returned within meta field in response.
Unpacked Request Authorization
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
TokenMissing | 400 | This request cannot be performed without Access_Token header. |
AuthorizationMissing | 401 | Authorization header is missing. |
TokenNotFound | 401 | Token specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TokenRevoked | 401 | Token specified in request is revoked and cannot be used anymore. |
TokenExpired | 401 | Token specified in request is expired and cannot be used. |
PaymentNotFound | 404 | Payment specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
OauthAppNotFound | 404 | OAuth Application specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
CertificateNotFound | 404 | Certificate has no permissions. |
This endpoint is used for processing additional interactive steps in the process of payment creation.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIjp7InNtc19waW5jb2RlIjoiMTIzNDU2In19LCJleHAiOjE3NDAyODg3MzEsImlzcyI6InByaW9yYS5zYWx0ZWRnZS5jb20ifQ.WorKRU7IdMd9nfyLJvharG8IxT2OykgJX3X-A87iNez6pg0pp__y-orRwXrTkwpGILFX4y5uvjRC0Zuu-1pTfRORdQehwekhpHXoA5pklCnTNvKxp96WFtYUbfmUKcUlg7wTTm8i9sJZwGG7uy76dNkcxfrA1jq2oRTTmgHDXGdr4fPX3VW2BmYUUryThCDl2WxMtMAnrIIjpb52wl1lZYEO5j8fpfQe9LfTMcVpiMkDXgyAw73z4tyDXI6FYa9qUxER1JGrNXUkOLFcdaDEa83BTlDvyyiuezMgBG1_Dybh1RFdNvtuD71L7qjCuw8FO7YGinNCso26CdzmwJI01g" \
-H "App-Id: kai5JbcoWosdVUzLG2ib1A" \
-H "App-Secret: H9EhmbtXlqm73MML5Z8E8w" \
-H "Access-Token: 19561f4a7115f1c8cd6818748e4f2f90aafa24ac42c139a0c99c92784a786e70eb7755be5582867fca28c78addd743f17c2758de65b0c69eb8ef78c049c62af6" \
-H "Client-Request-Id: 17" \
-X PUT "/api/v2/payments/:id"
Example of request parameters
Example of response
{"data":{"status":"good","description":"Internal transfer.","fees":[{"amount":0.25,"description":"Bank fee.","currency_code":"EUR"},{"amount":0.1,"description":"Payment fee.","currency_code":"EUR"}],"updated_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.249Z","id":691,"payment_attributes":{"from_account":"9542342312","to_account":"3458979570","amount":"150.00","description":"Test payment."},"session":{"fail_message":"","id":461,"secret":"yua36KyKycry_hAPQQVQ","status":"processing","events":[],"success_at":"","expires_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.249Z","fail_at":""},"created_at":"2019-11-18T16:04:50.249Z"}}
Header | Type | Description |
string, required |
JSON Web Token containing payload, signed using RSA256 and application.private_key .
Can raise:
string, required |
Application’s app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
OauthAppNotFound, CertificateNotFound
string, required |
Application’s app_secret from connection details tab.
string, required | Token for which we are requesting info. Can raise: TokenMissing, TokenNotFound, TokenRevoked, TokenExpired |
string, optional |
Request identifier. If present, it will be returned within meta field in response.
Unpacked Request Authorization
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
SessionClosed | 400 | Session specified in request is already closed and cannot be modified. |
TokenMissing | 400 | This request cannot be performed without Access_Token header. |
SessionExpired | 401 | Found session is expired and cannot be processed anymore. |
AuthorizationMissing | 401 | Authorization header is missing. |
TokenNotFound | 401 | Token specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TokenRevoked | 401 | Token specified in request is revoked and cannot be used anymore. |
TokenExpired | 401 | Token specified in request is expired and cannot be used. |
PaymentNotFound | 404 | Payment specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
OauthAppNotFound | 404 | OAuth Application specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
CertificateNotFound | 404 | Certificate has no permissions. |
Cancel the payment that is in the process of creation, meaning it has not been confirmed yet.
curl -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7fSwiZXhwIjoxNzQwMjg4NzMxLCJpc3MiOiJwcmlvcmEuc2FsdGVkZ2UuY29tIn0.kcQSxDdSGFOKkPQfaWKCQvvnfpRt_qWu_MXXRbsJjqGeCGO6AuVAPqjEmD5ry-NKayvfXnSnt4pIsEvk77IJbQ8ZBB3TAcN_0wL068N5qGbjohVLA3Zkdi53qsK79OOXnFdBL7R1XyU7uBUwJtrDTjAXT_RGmNoN31SH7tBkxQv05GyWoFasYW2UXF2sjtmK4PbgPFYb-80-33W-bg0mVkfNe6iVwUtlk_SljVc28igdMIteKGy4wVD6s69GOAMiq9cLNHehGhi8R9cvnlA_i5G0oNNxFVy5QHFrjyRjhVhY6uAYDeFC3kbMipWGVogga8HYn65r5czzBqZMRa8BGw" \
-H "App-Id: DZ8IEYmbfDvS3eMeLhA-Lw" \
-H "App-Secret: 5FXgZCioWalfvTGVHqNe0g" \
-H "Access-Token: 55de2eb27669505499da9cdfd7d8f9dccbc61b3c2d158df4959c35d01fc0dc856505986f750f4d84b6bee0b85d4e6dfb3e6309e59078ec81832274c72bb62d1a" \
-H "Client-Request-Id: 17" \
-X DELETE "/api/v2/payments/:id"
Example of request parameters
Example of response
Header | Type | Description |
string, required |
JSON Web Token containing payload, signed using RSA256 and application.private_key .
Can raise:
string, required |
Application’s app_id from connection details tab.
Can raise:
OauthAppNotFound, CertificateNotFound
string, required |
Application’s app_secret from connection details tab.
string, required | Token for which we are requesting info. Can raise: TokenMissing, TokenNotFound, TokenRevoked, TokenExpired |
string, optional |
Request identifier. If present, it will be returned within meta field in response.
Unpacked Request Authorization
Upon successful request, 200 status code will be returned. See ‘Related Errors’ table for other possibilities.
Related Errors
Class | Code | Description |
SessionClosed | 400 | Session specified in request is already closed and cannot be modified. |
TokenMissing | 400 | This request cannot be performed without Access_Token header. |
SessionExpired | 401 | Found session is expired and cannot be processed anymore. |
AuthorizationMissing | 401 | Authorization header is missing. |
TokenNotFound | 401 | Token specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
TokenRevoked | 401 | Token specified in request is revoked and cannot be used anymore. |
TokenExpired | 401 | Token specified in request is expired and cannot be used. |
PaymentNotFound | 404 | Payment specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
OauthAppNotFound | 404 | OAuth Application specified in request does not exist or cannot be retrieved. |
CertificateNotFound | 404 | Certificate has no permissions. |